jinshan marina urban design - shanghai

Requalification of existing village and development of new Business Tourism Center, with new land reclamation. Functional mix proposed: Residential: 18% (19.970 inhabitants) Mix: 34%; Offices: 14% Hospitality: 34%.

Project’s area is part of Jinshan New Town and develops along a 5.8 km’s long shoreline.
The site is characterized by the presence of a beach area protected by an artifi cial basin,
a railway station connecting to Shanghai city center and by the most ancient fi sherman
village still active in Shanghai region. In surrounding areas there are big industrial sites.
These pre-existing shape the project theme: a new urban identity creation respecting the
original site’s characters. The project fi nds and links different areas each defi ned by its own features. The new shoreline has been drawn according with Italian style: natural forces shape the morphology and city forces try to conquer and organize the space defi ning rational and safety places. The meeting-clash between natural and urbanity has been reread in a positive key, drawing a new microcosm, vivid and enriched by urban oportunities inspired by Italian landscapes. Through a projecting method organized of theme workshops has been possible to define each project area with its own specifi c, new and advanced features. This work’s outcome is a Masterplan with lots of different solutions and suggestions.
The encounter between Mediterranean culture, characterized by sea and city relationship, and Chinese tradition creates beautiful places, that we called: “La Dolce Vita”: a city with different faces, open to the sea. This project is an urban new option to a dormitory town gravitating on Shanghai, or vertical downtown, but a place where people (inhabitants and foreigners) work, study, have fun, meet, heal, relax, enjoy Nature. “La Dolce Vita” is a Beach but also a Trade Center. It’s an ancient village, but also a Research Center. It’s a leisure place, but also a cultural and productive site.


Jinshan District Municipality


Jinshan New Town, Shanghai, China

Built Surface

7.230.000 mq


2015-2016 Urban Design

Work carried out

Urban Planning Preliminary Design


SD Partners with GALA Eng; Barreca & Lavarra; Beretta Associati; Botticini+Facchinelli ARW; Studio Gnudi; Studio Scacchetti Associati; TRT; PAN Associati; TRE E C; Habitech